Tangiers Shisha is flavored tobacco for the sophisticated shisha smoker. Shisha offers you a smoke unlike any other. Tangiers uses a mix of raw full-bodied cut US tobacco leaves and with no artificial coloring added. This gets you a smooth smoke with big, fluffy smoke clouds and robust flavors. You simply can't get this kind of smoke experience from any other brand. Tangiers Shisha is produced in three major lines, Noir (original), Burley, and Birquq, Tangiers Noir is the original line that offers this unwashed tobacco packed with a strong buzz. Tangiers Birquq is a sweeter lighter leaf tobacco that is lighter on heat management. Tangiers Burley uses more burley tobacco for the strongest buzz and is meant only for experienced Tangiers smokers.

Tangiers Noir is the original line of shisha produced by Tangiers and features over 50 great flavors. The Noir line has a medium nicotine content which puts it right between Birquq and Burley.
Tangiers Birquq is a newer line of shisha which replaced the Lucid line. There are over 30 unique flavors which all offer a low nicotine content, similar to other unwashed shisha brands.

Tangiers Burley has limited flavors but offers the highest nicotine content. The Burley line is not recommended for beginners.
Tangiers F-Line has limited flavors which are infused with caffine. Be sure to check out F-Line for a unique smoking experience.

The Tangiers Phunnel is made of sturdy ceramic and features a raised inner hole in the center of the bowl that prevents tobacco and juice from dripping down inside the bowl and into your downstem.